Mitchell Siwy is Senior BI Analyst at ALOM Technologies, a global supply chain management organization that manages complex supply chains across the globe, shipping out of 19 locations worldwide.
As a supply chain organization, ALOM generates a lot of data — for example, in the areas of bar code scanning and freight tracking, which they aggregate and provide to customers in the form of visualizations and reporting to manage their supply chains from end to end.
“Our customers now have the power to make critical business decisions on a moment’s notice, which is impactful on a supply chain, where every second counts.”

ALOM white-labels Sisense to create ALOM BI, their proprietary solution for customers. This gives them the flexibility to customize the analytics to each customer’s needs.
Using Sisense technology, ALOM was able to implement their first iOS and Android application for both customers and internal users. This essential upgrade means customers are no longer tied to a computer — they can get meaningful insights on the warehouse floor and across global locations.
Our customers now have the power to make critical business decisions on a moment’s notice, which is impactful on a supply chain, where every second counts.”
Mitch Siwy, Senior Business Intelligence Data Analyst
ALOM’s management is thrilled at the digital transformation their company has achieved by streamlining the delivery of analytic insights. They have moved from a traditional Excel spreadsheet approach to an overall analytical atmosphere, both for customers and internal users.