Generating new dashboards has never been easier!
- One of the most common monetization strategies for OEMs is to allow Self Serving Analytics by providing clients with the ability to build their own custom dashboards.
- The main challenge is that the clients usually are not familiar with Data Modeling concepts, Facts, Dimensions, Formulas and generally speaking they come from the business side and don’t have a clue about BI.
- The Widgets Catalog is an amazing tool that allows designers to build dashboards using a set of predefined widgets that match a specific analytical use case thus eliminating the need to know what’s “under the hood” of the data model and other technical topics.
- The predefined widgets are simply “usual” widgets but they are bundled with predefined formulas and design settings so they can be used “As Is” directly within dashboards.
- Designers will have an additional “+ Catalog Widget” button.
- You can opt to hide the “+ New Widget” button.

- When clicking on the “+ Catalog Widget”, the below dialog is opened with predefined widgets that are divided into configurable topics