This beautified zoomable widget takes scatter and bubble charts to a whole new level. Using this plugin, one can show a very large amount of information, telling a much broader story of the data and enabling the end-user to dive much deeper into their analytical narrative.

This chart animates itself onto the screen in a unique and slick manner and enables one to easily zoom into any section within the scatter chart, by using the top and right-hand side scroll bars, or by dynamically marking an area with a lasso selector with the mouse. Then one can easily zoom out by clicking the ‘-’ icon at the right-hand corner to return to the original view.
Zooming in with the lasso selector:

After zooming in:

This plugin will expect the following data elements:
- Category – will effectively behave as the ‘break-by’ element
- X-Axis – the formula to plot the categories against the horizontal view
- Y-Axis – the formula to plot the categories against the vertical view
- Size – the formula which will determine the bubble radius
- Color – the formula which will determine the bubble color – conditionally formatted
- Extra Values – Add as many formulas or raw details to the bubbles tooltip